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Dear member of the RECOMB community,


Given the impact that COVID-19 is having on the world, we believe it is currently not possible to reschedule RECOMB 2020 as an in-person meeting. After much deliberation, the RECOMB Organizing, Program, and Steering Committees have decided that RECOMB 2020 will take place entirely virtually on June 22-25, 2020. We are also happy to announce that RECOMB 2021 will be held in Padova, Italy, on April 18-21, 2021.


Moving to a virtual conference introduces many challenges, but we believe that RECOMB 2020 will provide a meaningful, useful, and stimulating experience for the community. The virtual conference will follow the same format as previously announced, with a single track including contributed and invited keynote talks, and a poster session. There may be some changes with respect to the previously posted schedule, which will be reflected on the conference website.


To maximize the opportunity for every member of the community to join the conference, there will be no registration fee for the conference, although registration will still be required. For those who have already registered for the main in-person meeting, we will provide the option to get a full refund or to keep their registration for RECOMB 2021. More details on the registration and the refunds will be announced soon.


Please be sure to register online for RECOMB 2020!



Best Regards,

Fabio Vandin - RECOMB 2020 General Chair, on behalf of the RECOMB 2020

Organizing Committee

Russell Schwartz - RECOMB 2020 PC Chair

Bonnie Berger - Head, RECOMB Steering Committee







Padova, Italy | March 4, 2020


Dear member of the RECOMB community,

Due to the developments of the coronavirus situation in the last few days, many people will be facing significant difficulties traveling to Padova.  We have heard concerns and questions from many of you about the situation.  We have reluctantly concluded that the conditions to organize a successful RECOMB meeting in May are currently not in place.

Given these considerations, and several others, the RECOMB Organizing, Program, and Steering Committees have decided to reschedule the conference. We are currently working out alternative arrangements and plan to send out an announcement with new dates, including dates for the satellites, and additional information in a couple of weeks.

Updated information on registration, including new deadlines and cancellation policy, will be posted on the RECOMB 2020 website.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this change may cause you. As you will understand, these are difficult times, and this was a very difficult decision.

Best Regards,

Fabio Vandin - RECOMB 2020 General Chair, on behalf of the RECOMB 2020
Organizing Committee
Russell Schwartz - RECOMB 2020 PC Chair
Bonnie Berger - Head, RECOMB Steering Committee



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