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50th European Solid-State Device Research Conference


50th European Solid-State Device Research Conference


46th European Solid-State Circuits Conference


46th European Solid-State Circuits Conference



Grenoble, April 20th, 2020


Dear members of the IEEE SSCS and EDS communities, colleagues, friends, intending authors,


Together with our sponsoring IEEE Societies, SSCS and EDS, ESSCIRC-ESSDERC is closely monitoring developments related to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. The health and safety of our members is the number one priority of our societies. As of April the 9th, 2020, more than one third of the Global population is under severe confinement, as a result of the protective public health measures imposed by the different governments, states or provinces. The situation is still evolving rapidly and dramatically, unfortunately in an unpredictable way.


Given this uncertain situation, we, the organizing committee of ESSxxRC2020 Grenoble and the ESSCIRC-ESSDERC Steering committee, have decided to propose a new format for our conference:

  • The presential conference with peer reviewed papers has been rescheduled to September 2021. It will take place in Grenoble led by the existing organizing team

  • In addition a NEW and Virtual Education Event is being developed for September 14th 2020 consisting of 13 educational sessions (workshops and tutorial) comprising invited presentations by leading technologists. More details of the event available here


From a practical point of view:

For all the authors who have been or were about to prepare papers for this version of ESSCIRC-ESSDERC, we strongly encourage you to submit your publications directly to the following IEEE journals:

  • For ESSCIRC, please see here:

    • IEEE SSC-L, Solid-State Circuits Letters (same 4-pages format as ESSCIRC)

      • The SSCS has just created a Special Section on ESSCIRC 2020, inside the SSC-Letters: here

      • The publication timeline is as follows:

        • Submission deadline: May 15, 2020

        • Reviews completed by: June 15, 2020

        • Papers revised by: July 15, 2020

        • Final materials submitted by: Aug. 1, 2020

        • Publication: October and November 2020

      • The authors having accepted papers through this path will be kindly invited in September 2021 to present this same work in a Special Oral Session of ESSCIRC2021.

    • IEEE JSSC, Journal of Solid-State Circuits

    • IEEE O-JSSC, Open-Journal of Solid-State Circuits (open access)


  • For ESSDERC, a Special Section on ESSDERC 2020 will be published by the IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 

    • Submissions should be 4 pages long in the T-ED “brief” format (4 pages including text and references, no bios or authors’ photograph published any longer)

    • The publication timeline is as follows:

      • Submission deadline: June 15, 2020

      • Publication: November 2020


In 2021, we are planning to resume to a usual conference development schedule with tentative dates of: paper submission deadline on April 19th, 2021, and the conference in Grenoble, September 6-9, 2021. The 2022 version of ESSCIRC-ESSDERC will take place in September 2022 in Milano.

Message from the Organizers 

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