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IEEE 51st European Solid-State Device Research Conference

IEEE 47th European Solid-State Circuits Conference
Click on titles to see abstracts and biosketches or go back to Virtual Educationals main page
7. IPCEI on Microelectronics: Innovative Technologies for Shaping the Future
Chairs: Dominique Thomas (STMicrolectronics), Gerhard Doell (Zeiss), Klaus Pressel (Infineon)
7.1) Magnetic Metrology on Fully Integrated Embedded STT-MRAM
Johannes Müller (GlobalFoundries, Germany)
7.2) Novel Architecture for European FPGA
Michael Gude (Cologne Chip, Germany)
7.3) A connected world – Why security matters
Mario Lamberger (NXP, Austria)
7.4) Smart CutTM Piezo On Insulator (POI) substrates for high performance integrated acoustic devices
Galina Guyot, Eric Butaud and Christophe Didier (SOITEC, France)
7.5) Novel devices for security and showcases for mmwave with 22FDX[TM]
Sabine Kolodinski (GlobalFoundries, Germany)
7.6) Advanced Embedded Non-Volatile Memory solutions for General Purpose & Secure Microcontrollers
Jean Devin (STMicroelectronics, France)
7.7) Multi-technology wafer level integration for RFFE applications
Gregory D. U'Ren (X-FAB, Germany)
7.8) Low ESL Ultra-thin silicon capacitors for PDN applications
Mehdi Jatlaoui (Murata, France)
7.9) PCB and packaging solutions for Green electronics
Hannes Voraberger (AT&S, Austria)
7.10) Power electronics for Green ICT
Herbert Pairitsch (Infineon, Austria)
7.11) Structural characterization and simulation of a direct-cooled power module
Alessandro Sitta (STMicroelectronics, Italy)
7.12) The Smart Power BCD evolution in the year of the IEEE milestone
Antonio Andreini (STMicroelectronics, Italy)
7.13) Wet SiC-Metal-Etch - From Single-Wafer to Batch application
Stefan Zürcher (AP&S, Germany)
7.14) New results of Bipolar Cmos Dmos on Silicon On Insulator
Yves Dufour (X-FAB, Germany)
7.15) Sub-nanosecond high-power pulsed multi-channel laser driver for time-of-flight applications
Sarah Blumenthal & Fabian FinkeIdey (ELMOS, Germany)
7.16) Back Side Illuminated SiPM from NIR to NUV light detection
Laura Parellada - Monreal (FBK, Italy)
7.17) Characterization of Preassembly Influence on Die Attach Process
Martin Brandl (IFAG)
7.18) Lynred Advanced Developments in the Field of Infrared Imaging Technologies
Patrick Robert & Julien Roumegoux (Lynred, France)
7.19) High NA EUV optics: preparing lithography for the next big step
Paul Graeupner (Zeiss,Germany)
7.20) Pulsed lasers neurons integrated on silicon for dense spiking neural networks
Keshia Mekemeza Ona (CEA - Leti, France)
7.21) Deep UV LEDs and its Applications
Martin Strassburg (OSRAM, Germany)
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