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4. Atomistic simulations supporting new materials & process developments
Chairs: Philippe Blaise (Silvaco) and Denis Rideau (STMicrolectronics)
4.1) What multi-level strategy for modelling processes and defects in semiconductors at the atomic scale?
Current approaches, necessary developments and new needs.
Anne Hemeryck (CNRS LAAS, France)
4.2) Modeling of Bulk and Interface Defects for Reliability Prediction on the Atomistic Scale.
Markus Jech (TU Wien, Austria)
4.3) Rational Design of BEOL Oxide Semiconductors for Emerging Device Applications.
Cho Keyongjae (UT Dallas, USA)
4.4) Optical absorption quantization in nanolayers of semiconductors.
Christophe Delerue (CNRS IEMN, France)
4.5) Perovskite semiconductors: current challenges for predictive atomistic and device simulation.
Jacky Even (INSA Rennes, France)
4.6) Connecting quantum chemistry and device level simulations via multiscale simulation workflows
Tobias Neumann (Nanomatch GmbH, Germany)
4.7) Computing Dielectric, Electronic Transport, and Magnetic Properties of Two-Dimensional Materials from First Principles
William Vandenberghe (UT Dallas, USA)
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