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D4: European strenghts and gaps in emerging semiconductor technologies


Dissemination Workshop


Half day, 13:30


ROOM 1.04


International cooperation is key for speeding up technological innovation, and will allow to strengthen Europe’s position in global value chains in this area, which is one of the objectives of the EU Chips Act. This SINANO/ICOS workshop will gather an overview of the main EU and International activities in leading countries in the field of semiconductors, with the most promising technologies for possible international collaborations. In particular, the future technologies in advanced computation and future technologies for advanced functionalities, covering smart sensors, smart energy, energy harvesting for autonomous systems and semiconductor-based photonics will be presented and discussed by renowned experts.


Francis Balestra (SINANO Institute, FR)

Leo Saint-Martin (DECISION, FR)

Georgios Fagas (Tyndall, IE)

Roel Baets (University Gent, BE)

Francis Balestra has been Director of several Laboratories. Within FP6, FP7, H2020 and Horizon Europe, he coordinated several European Projects (SiNANO, NANOSIL, NANOFUNCTION, NEREID, ICOS) that have represented unprecedented collaborations in Europe in the field of Nanoelectronics. He is member of several European Scientific Councils, of the Advisory Committees of International Journals, of the IRDS International Roadmap Committee, and founded or organized many international Conferences, and has co-authored a large number of books and publications. He is currently Vice-President of Grenoble INP, in charge of European activities, and Director of the SiNANO Institute he founded 15 years ago.


Léo Saint-Martin is partner at DECISION Etudes & Conseil. Léo joined DECISION in 2016 to manage a team of economists and bring his expertise in market research and economic analysis in the fields of electronics components and systems. Léo is the project manager of the ICOS project (International Cooperation On Semiconductors) since 2023 on behalf of DECISION. Léo is also the project manager of the METIS project (Microelectronics Training, Industry and Skills) and of the European Chips Skills Academy project since 2019 on behalf of DECISION. As Work Package leader, DECISION is in charge of the “study of the European microelectronics industry and skills needs” parts, within these projects which will run until 2027. Léo has also been the manager and the main redactor of studies made by DECISION for the European Commission, French government bodies, industry associations and industrials on topics related to the semiconductor value-chain, the electronics value-chain and end-user industries (automotive, defense & security, industrial & robotics…). Léo is currently managing a “Study on the Economic Potential of Far Edge Computing in the Future Smart Internet of Things” (SMART 2021/OP/0026), carried out for the European Commission DG CONNECT. Before joining DECISION Etudes & Conseil, Léo has conducted a number of theoretical and empirical research projects in economics and statistics focusing on local and international development issues. Léo holds a master’s degree in International Economics and Development from Paris-Dauphine University and a bachelor's degree in Economics and Law from Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense University.


13:30 - 13:45

Welcome, introduction of the SiNANO Institute and Horizon Europe ICOS-International Cooperation On Semiconductors project

Francis Balestra (CNRS/Grenoble INP/SiNANO Institute, FR)

13:45 - 14:20

Review of the EU and main non-EU semiconductor Ecosystems

Léo Saint-Martin (Decision, FR)

14:20 - 14:55

Advanced computation: review of main EU and international activities and technologies

Olivier Faynot (CEA-Leti, FR)

14:55 - 15:30

Smart Sensors: review of main EU and International activities and technologies

Alan O’Riordan (Tyndall, IE)

15:30 - 16:00

Coffee Break

16:00 - 16:35

Smart Energy: review of main EU and international activities and technologies

Markus Pfeffer (Fraunhofer IISB, DE)

16:35 - 17:10

Energy Harvesting: review of main EU and international activities and technologies

Gustavo Ardila (University of Grenoble-Alpes, FR)

17:10 - 17:45

Semiconductor-based Photonics: review of main EU and international activities and technologies

Abdul Rahim (ePIXfab - Ghent University, BE)

17:45 - 18:00

Open Discussion



Dr. Alan O’Riordan is a Senior Research Fellow at the Tyndall National Institute.  He received his BSc in Analytical Chemistry in 1995 and a PhD in Chemistry (Nanotechnology) in 2005.  He has graduated 15 PhDs and 3 MSc. students and currently leads a team of 2 staff members, 6 post Docs, 7 PhD students focused on developing smart sensors and systems for Sustainable Agri-food and Environmental applications.  The Group is developing two complementary sensor technologies on silicon chip substrates that employ (i) nanoelectrochemistry and (ii) Surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopy detection mechanisms that providing highly sensitive, selective and reliable measurements. .  A key foundation of his research focus is to ensure its relevance and real-life deployment through collaborative co-development.  To this end he has competitively won 25 research projects worth circa €11M in total research funding resulting in invited and keynote talks (e.g., two 2020 one in 2021) on Agri 4.0 at major conferences (IEEE ESTC and ECS-ICMS conferences), he is c- lead on the European team’s contribution on Smart Sensor Systems for the recent IEEE International roadmap on Devices and Systems - More than Moore white paper.  He has published over 100 peer reviewed publications, h-index of 30 and F.W.C.I of 1.83, one patent granted “Nanowire Electrode Sensor” EU & US (US 20140145709) and won the Enterprise Ireland Gold Medal for Most Innovative Technology Emerging from Third Level (National Ploughing Contest 2016&2022).  He is a Steering Committee member of the Royal Society of Chemistry – Electroanalytical Sensors and Systems Group and a core steering committee member of EPoSS SSI conferences 2021-2023

Gustavo Ardila received his BS in electronic engineering and physics from the University of Andes, Colombia in 2002 and 2003, respectively, and his MS in microelectronic and microsystems circuit conception from the National Institute of Applied Science (INSA) in Toulouse, France in 2004. He received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering in 2008 from the Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse. After 1 year of postdoctoral position in LAAS-CNRS laboratory in Toulouse, in 2009 he became Associate Professor at the University Grenoble Alpes (Former Joseph Fourier University) and a researcher at IMEP-LaHC in the Micro Nano Electronic Devices group, Grenoble, France. He has supervised 3 post-doctoral fellows, 1 engineer, co-supervised 8 PhD students. He is or was involved in several French and European projects related to energy harvesting or sensing applications using piezoelectric materials. These materials can be used in autonomous systems in applications like wearables, IoT, etc. His activities concern the theoretical and experimental studies of MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) and NEMS (Nano Electro Mechanical Systems), in particular sensors and energy harvesters based on piezoelectric nano-composites (nanowires immerged into a dielectric material). He is author or co-author 9 book chapters and of more than 90 journal or international conference peer-reviewed papers and holds 2 patents. He presently leads the European team to develop the Roadmap of Energy Harvesting technologies contributing to the IEEE IRDS (International Roadmap for Devices and Systems). He is co-founder and co-organizer of the International Summer School MEMS-LATAM: Microsystems for Latin America and member of the editorial board of the “Energy” section of ISTE-Wiley publisher.

Olivier Faynot received the M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France in 1991 and 1995, respectively. His doctoral research was related to the characterization and modeling of deep submicron Fully Depleted SOI devices fabricated on ultrathin SIMOX wafers. He joined LETI (CEA-Grenoble, France) in 1995, working on Partially Depleted and Fully Depleted SOI technologies development in the frame of Industrial Partnerships. From 2008 to 2017, he managed various teams focussed on advanced CMOS, memories and 3D technology integration and was assigned on manufacturing sites to implement FDSOI technologies. During that period, he was engaged in the transfer to production of 28nm and 22nm FDSOI technologies with industrial partners. Those technologies are now available in production. From 2017 to 2019, he managed the Patterning department at CEA-LETI, within the Silicon Technology division.  Since 2019, he is managing the whole Silicon Component division at CEA-LETI. He is author and co-author of more than 300 scientific publications in journals and international conferences, and was successively in the committees of the main international Semiconductors conferences like International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM), the symposium on VLSI Technology, the IEEE International SOI conference, the EUROSOI network, the Solid State Device and Materials (SSDM) conference and the International S3S conference. He received the ‘Général Férié’ award in 2012 and the ‘Electron d’Or’ award with CEA-Leti, ST Microelectronics and SOITEC in 2017.

Markus Pfeffer, Senior Manager Quality & Process Control / Funded R&D, Fraunhofer IISB. Markus works at Fraunhofer IISB in the Business Department Semiconductor Technology, where he is the deputy fab manager of the Fraunhofer IISB Pi-Fab (SiC Processing and Prototype Fabrication) and he is in charge of quality and process control as well as founded research.

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